22.FEB Sábado, 2025
Última actualización 08:39 pm

Instagram: Ella nos da razones 'de peso' para amar al yoga [Fotos y video]

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Jessamyn Stanley derriba un prejuicio al demostrar que una persona de talla grande también puede lograr las difíciles posturas de esta disciplina.

Si creías que solo las personas delgadas pueden practicar yoga, te equivocas. Aquí te presentamos a Jessamyn Stanley, quien es instructora de dicha disciplina y cuya página es un éxito en Instagram.

[Instagram: #BoobsOverBellyButtons, la adecuada respuesta al reto del ombligo]

Jessamyn Stanley, de 27 años, derriba un prejuicio al demostrar que puede hacer difíciles ‘asanas’ (posturas) del yoga pese a ser una mujer de talla grande.

Ella comenta que su primera experiencia con el yoga no fue nada satisfactoria, pues su tía la llevó a una clase de Bikram Yoga, donde se realiza una serie de 26 posturas en un ambiente con una temperatura mayor a los 40°C y esto no le agradó.

[Instagram: Una modelo y este cojin del ‘poop emoji’ son inseparables]

Pero en 2011, Jessamyn Stanley ingresó a la universidad, retomó contacto con el yoga y desde entonces no dejó de practicarlo hasta convertirse en una profesora certificada.

En la cuenta de Instagram de Jessamyn Stanley puedes ver fotos y videos en los que demuestra cuán flexible es. Y es que el yoga, más allá de una disciplina de exigencia física, también busca el bienestar mental de quien lo practica.

[Instagram: Padre ‘hace volar’ a su hijo con síndrome de Down]

Inspírate viendo el perfil de Jessamyn Stanley en Instagram @mynameisjessamyn.

I've been working on my #forearmstand practice for about 1.5 years at this point I spent months working on breathing consistently in #dolphinpose, and then slowly transitioned to kicking into #pinchamayurasana using a wall support. Yesterday was the first time I caught any significant hang time without any support. I think the instagram #yoga community overemphasizes "mastering" poses- many of you send me messages asking for advice/tutorials about poses I've "mastered". To tell you the truth, I don't think I've "mastered" any poses- my practice is constantly in flux and I'm always learning new things about asana I've been practicing for years. I think we all crave quick results- we want to know the quickest way to get the most visually satisfying results. But, like anything created quickly, the satisfaction is usually fleeting and unmemorable. And (in the case of physically demanding yoga postures) it can be the quickest way to permanently injure yourself. At the beginning of my forearm stand journey, I distinctly remember referencing a tutorial blog by aprilnicoleart where she specifically said RE: Dolphin pose &#34;If this is as far as you can go for a while - just practice this.&#34; I had no idea that the shoulder/core strengthening required by dolphin pose would literally knock me off my feet. So, to everyone who asks (or quietly wonders w/o verbally asking), &#34;What&#39;s a quick way to get into this or that pose?&#34;, please know that there is NOT a quick way. In yoga, the best way to do something is rarely quick. All of the building blocks, all of the steps in between- THAT&#39;S where you learn. Once you get to your destination, where else are you supposed to go? Practice simply for the sake of practicing. It&#39;s been said a million times, but practice and all is coming. Happy #ForearmFriday, y&#39;all. Song is Sharon Jones &amp; The Dap Kings &#34;100 Days, 100 Nights&#34; Shorts- fractal.9- use 'Fractal9Plus' for a discount! Strap- mamakuka #invertyoself #Invertyocurves #inversion</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Un vídeo publicado por Jessamyn (mynameisjessamyn) el

As much as I've loved it here in AVL, I'm pretty fucking excited to get back home. I miss my pets, roommate, friends, and family not to mention the fact that I'm practically jumping out of my skin to start teaching locally in the Raleigh-Durham area. I found this video of my #kapotasana progress that I recorded before I left for #ytt and I was reminded of how much I miss practicing in my living room with Dallas by my side- it's the little things, you know? I couldn't have asked for more from this experience- my heart and soul have literally been cracked open and I just want every person on the planet to feel the same way. I know the horizon is vast and I'm excited to practice with all of you as soon possible. Song is No Doubt "Tragic Kingdom" Underwear by hipsandcurves</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Un vídeo publicado por Jessamyn (mynameisjessamyn) el

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